How I “met” Milton Friedman

Educational Series

Free To Choose blew my mind

I was on a trip to Singapore when I “met” Milton Friedman – the great monetary expert and Austrian School economist. 

I was getting ready for a date and had some time to kill. 

At that moment, I had never heard of Milton Friedman. But I switched on the TV and somehow landed on his series Free To Choose

If you haven’t seen it, it’s Milton Friedman explaining things about money and freedom – things I had known were true all my life, but never could articulate.

I don’t remember much about my date or the rest of that night except that I couldn’t wait to get home and binge watch more Milton Friedman! LOL!

I just sat there in awe thinking, “There’s a whole discipline of people studying, writing and talking about money, freedom and free markets?” 

I was totally blown away. It was one of those moments when you whole life changes by seeming random chance.

Friedman led me to read guys like Tomas Sowell – another American treasure. From there, I discovered the newsletter legend, Jim Grant. 

Then I found investors like Jim Rogers… Peter Schiff… Doug Casey and others…

I was like the proverbial kid in a candy store. 

This was what I had been looking for! Guys who understood the challenges of individual investors and had made fabulous fortunes.

Buying low and selling high… investing in crises… and keeping things simple. 

I knew from my own personal experience these guys were telling the truth about money. I just didn’t know how to find and seize opportunities like they had.

That was all about to change…

Stay tuned and I’ll tell you about the incredible next chapter in which stumbled on a “gold mine” in Kansas…

George Gammon

P.S. – If you want to go on your own journey of discovery about money and investing, there’s no better place start than with Rebel Capitalist Pro.

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