Is Twitter The Next FTX? (It Doesn’t Look Good)

Current Events Investing

Is Twitter in danger of becoming the next Mega Corporation to go bust and rock the markets, as we've seen recently with FTX?

George is going to reveal some answers in three simple fast Steps.

In the first step, he reveals the secrets behind the FTX collapse. Samurai Sam Bankman-Fried is at the root of it all.

If you go back just a couple of years to 2017-2018, he was pretty much a nobody. And this is where the origin story begins.

This is something that's extremely important to investors. It's extremely important to customers and it led to this Mega collapse that we have seen over the past couple of weeks.

There are many potential consequences to this story, including for Elon Musk and Twitter, so be sure to click play and watch the video above.