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Mortgage Crisis Looms: The Government’s Arsonist-Firefighter Routine

Macro News

Hey there, fellow Rebel Capitalists! CNBC just released an article discussing a mortgage crisis that is brewing.

And while the focus is primarily on the UK, the same storm is gathering in commercial real estate and can affect economies worldwide.

Strap in, my friends, as we dive into this article and connect the dots on the imminent financial catastrophe.

Rebel Capitalist Pro

First and foremost, let's tackle the key talking points of this mortgage crisis. The Bank of England has surprisingly hiked interest rates by 50 basis points, setting off a chain of events that could lead millions toward insolvency.

Now, before we go any further, let's correct the title of this video. It should read “Mortgage Catastrophe,” not “Mortgage Crisis.”

Now, here's the thing: what happens in one country's banking system can spill over to others due to the interconnectedness of the global monetary system.

We saw this happen in 2008, and we must learn from that lesson.

The financial system's setup creates significant systemic risk, meaning a real estate market crash in one country can reverberate across the globe. Think domino effect, my friends.

The article primarily focuses on the UK, but similar patterns can be observed in commercial real estate here in the United States.

And let's not forget about China, where a real estate market crash could have a profound impact on the United States and even spill over to Europe. The interconnectedness is undeniable.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty details. The research conducted by NIESR estimates that the recent rate hike would push approximately 1.2 million UK households (around 4% of all households) to the brink of insolvency by the end of the year.

Unlike the United States, where we have the luxury of 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, the UK's mortgages often adjust every two years. Just imagine the impact of such adjustments on the overall economy. It's mind-boggling.

But here's where it gets really interesting. The UK's finance minister, Jeremy Hunt, recently held a meeting with major banks to address the deepening mortgage crisis. And this is where you need to pay close attention, my friends. The UK government's approach in handling the crisis provides a glimpse into what we can expect here in the United States.

They are following a classic “arsonist-firefighter” routine. They raise interest rates, causing problems for people struggling to pay their mortgages. Then, they step in as the “hero” and propose measures to subsidize mortgages, provide forbearance periods, and even extend mortgage terms.

It's a clever way to keep people afloat while pretending that their interest rate hikes are effective in controlling inflation. It's central planning at its finest, or should I say, its most absurd.

Let's be clear: the government wants to defeat inflation without lowering asset prices. It's an impossible task. Raising interest rates should naturally bring down asset prices, but they don't want that.

So, they play this game of raising rates while simultaneously ensuring that these rate increases have no real impact on the economy. It's a twisted logic that only central planners can conjure.

And what can we expect in the United States? Brace yourselves, my friends, for a similar sequence of events. When the next crisis hits, the Federal Reserve will likely drop interest rates to combat the fallout. But they won't want to deal with the consequences of rate hikes, so they'll resort to other measures.

They may implement price controls, offer Universal Basic Income (UBI), or even concoct schemes to keep unemployment rates low while defying the laws of inflation. It's sheer madness, but this is the playbook they follow.

Let's face it, my fellow Rebel Capitalists, this approach will only lead to an even bigger catastrophe down the line.

The government's attempt to control the uncontrollable will create an economic disaster of epic proportions. It's time to wake up and see through their smoke and mirrors.

So, what are your thoughts on this impending mortgage crisis and the government's insane firefighting tactics?

Do you see the writing on the wall, or do you think they can magically keep the show going?

Leave a comment below and let's discuss this dire situation. We must stand vigilant and seek real solutions.

Together, we can navigate the treacherous waters of central planning and protect our financial future.

Share your thoughts on the brewing mortgage crisis and the government's misguided attempts to control it. Can they truly avert disaster, or are we headed for an even bigger catastrophe? Let's dive into the discussion! 💬👇