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Lynette Zang’s Insights for Financial Security

Rebel Capitalist Show

Looking for a financial expert who can guide you through the complexities of investing in gold, silver, and other alternative assets? Look no further than Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading. With over 30 years of experience in the financial industry, Zang has established herself as a trusted authority on precious metals and other investment options.

At ITM Trading, Zang uses her expertise to provide clients with valuable insights into market trends and investment opportunities. Whether you're new to investing or an experienced trader looking for new strategies, she has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals.

So if you're looking for a knowledgeable and reliable source of financial advice, turn to Lynette Zang and the team at ITM Trading.

The dangers of staying in the current financial system: Why you should “get out of the system” according to Lynette Zang

Unstable Financial System

The current financial system is volatile, and it can be risky to keep all your assets in one place. Inflation, deflation, and market crashes can wipe out your savings overnight. This instability is what prompted Lynette Zang, a renowned economist from itm trading, to advise people to “get out of the system” and diversify their investments by creating a list of different assets.

Diversify Your Assets

According to Lynette Zang of ITM Trading, diversifying your assets is crucial if you want to protect yourself from financial ruin. Instead of relying solely on traditional stocks and bonds, consider investing in a list of other assets such as gold or real estate. These investments tend to hold their value even during market downturns.

  • Gold: Investing in gold is an excellent way to hedge against inflation because its value tends to rise when the dollar weakens. Gold also has a long history of holding its value over time.

  • Real Estate: Real estate is another asset that tends to hold its value over time. It's also an excellent way to generate passive income through rental properties.

Traditional Stocks and Bonds Can Lead To Significant Losses

Traditional stocks and bonds, without proper risk management, are not always a safe bet. While they may offer high returns during bull markets, they can lead to significant losses during bear markets. It is important to consider investing in alternative assets such as ITM Trading to diversify your portfolio and mitigate potential risks.

  • Stocks: Stocks are subject to market volatility and can lose value quickly during economic downturns. Even blue-chip stocks are not immune from market crashes.

  • Bonds: Bonds are typically considered less risky than stocks, but they still carry some risk. Bond prices can fall when interest rates rise, which can result in significant losses for bondholders.

Protect Yourself From Economic Turmoil

Getting out of the system doesn't mean abandoning traditional investments altogether; it simply means diversifying your portfolio so that you're protected from economic turmoil. By investing in a mix of assets, you can reduce your risk and protect yourself from financial ruin.

  • Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are becoming increasingly popular as a way to diversify investments. While they are still considered volatile, they offer an alternative store of value that is not tied to traditional financial systems.

  • Commodities: Commodities like oil and precious metals are another way to diversify your portfolio. These assets tend to hold their value over time and can provide a hedge against inflation.

Understanding the End of the “Cash Con Game” in the Current Financial System, as Discussed by Lynette Zang

Lynette Zang, an economic analyst and chief market strategist at ITM Trading, has been warning about the end of what she calls the “cash con game.

The Shift Away from Physical Cash

Zang argues that we are currently experiencing a shift away from physical cash towards digital currencies and transactions. This shift is driven by various factors such as convenience, efficiency, and cost savings. With digital transactions, there is no need to carry physical cash or visit a bank to withdraw money. Instead, people can make payments online or through their mobile phones.

The Risks of Digital Transactions

While digital transactions may seem convenient and efficient, they also come with risks. One of these risks is increased government control and surveillance over personal finances. With every transaction being recorded digitally, governments can easily monitor people's spending habits and even freeze their accounts if necessary.

Another risk is cybersecurity threats. Digital transactions are vulnerable to hacking attacks that could compromise people's financial information. If hackers gain access to someone's account details or credit card information, they could steal money or commit identity theft.

How to Protect Yourself

Despite these risks, there are ways to protect yourself when using digital transactions. Here are some tips:

  • Use strong passwords: Make sure your passwords are unique and difficult to guess.

  • Enable two-factor authentication: This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a code sent via SMS or email in addition to your password.

  • Monitor your accounts regularly: Check your bank statements frequently for any unauthorized transactions.

  • Use reputable payment providers: Stick with well-known payment providers such as PayPal or Apple Pay.

  • Avoid public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi networks can be insecure, so avoid using them when making financial transactions.

Protecting your assets in uncertain times: Tips and strategies from Lynette Zang

Diversification across multiple asset classes

One of the most effective strategies for protecting assets during uncertain times is diversification. It involves investing in different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and cash. The idea behind diversification is to spread out your investments so that if one asset class suffers a downturn, you won't lose everything.

Diversifying your portfolio can help you achieve a balance between risk and reward. In other words, it can help you minimize losses while maximizing gains. For example, if stocks are performing poorly due to an economic recession or political turmoil, your investment in bonds or commodities may offset those losses.

Here are some tips for diversifying your portfolio:

  • Invest in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track different sectors of the economy.

  • Consider investing in international stocks and bonds to reduce exposure to domestic market risks.

  • Allocate a portion of your portfolio to alternative investments like private equity or hedge funds.

Investing in tangible assets like gold and silver

Another strategy for protecting assets during uncertain times is investing in tangible assets like gold and silver. These precious metals have been used as stores of value for centuries because they hold their worth even when paper currencies lose value.

Gold and silver prices tend to rise when there's inflation or economic uncertainty because investors seek safe-haven assets that retain their value. By investing in physical gold or silver bullion coins or bars, you can protect yourself against currency devaluation and stock market volatility.

Here are some tips for investing in gold and silver:

  • Buy physical bullion coins or bars instead of paper certificates or ETFs.

  • Store your precious metals securely at home or in a bank vault.

  • Consider buying numismatic coins with historical significance as collector's items.

Having a plan for emergencies

Lynette Zang recommends having a plan for emergencies such as natural disasters or economic crises. This means being prepared for unexpected events that could disrupt your finances or daily life.

Here are some tips for creating an emergency plan:

  • Build an emergency fund with enough cash to cover three to six months of living expenses.

  • Keep important documents like passports, birth certificates, and insurance policies in a safe place.

  • Have a backup power source like a generator or solar panels in case of power outages.

  • Stock up on non-perishable food, water, and medical supplies in case of supply chain disruptions.

The role of gold and silver in a diversified portfolio: Why they matter according to Lynette Zang

Hedge against inflation and market volatility

Gold and silver have been used as a store of value for thousands of years, making them an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios. One of the primary reasons why Lynette Zang believes that gold and silver are important components of a diversified portfolio is because they act as a hedge against inflation and market volatility.

Inflation can erode the value of traditional investments like stocks and bonds, but gold and silver tend to hold their value over time. This is because they are finite resources, meaning that there is only so much available in the world. As demand for these precious metals increases, so does their price.

Similarly, during times of market volatility, investors often flock to safe-haven assets like gold and silver. This is because these metals have historically held their value during economic downturns when other assets may be losing value rapidly.

Currency for thousands of years

Another reason why Lynette Zang believes that gold and silver matter in a diversified portfolio is that they have been used as currency for thousands of years. Unlike fiat currencies (like the US dollar), which can be printed endlessly by central banks, there is a finite amount of gold and silver in the world. This gives them inherent value that cannot be manipulated by governments or financial institutions.

Furthermore, because gold and silver have been used as currency for so long, they are widely recognized around the world as valuable assets. This means that they can easily be bought or sold in most countries without having to worry about exchange rates or other complications.

Security against economic uncertainty

Finally, Lynette Zang believes that holding physical gold or silver provides security against economic uncertainty. In times of crisis (such as war or natural disasters), traditional investments like stocks or real estate may become difficult to access or lose value rapidly. However, physical gold and silver can be stored in a safe or other secure location, making them accessible even during times of crisis.

Furthermore, because gold and silver are not tied to any one country's economy or political system, they can provide a level of protection against geopolitical risks. This means that even if the stock market crashes or there is a major economic downturn in one part of the world, your investment in gold or silver may still hold its value.

Identifying and Avoiding Financial Scams and Frauds: Protecting Yourself from Fraudsters with Lynette Zang's Help

Lynette Zang, a renowned financial analyst and investor, has been advising people on how to protect themselves from financial scams and frauds. With the rise of digital technology, it has become easier for fraudsters to scam people out of their hard-earned money. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of common tactics used by scammers and take necessary precautions before investing in any opportunity or asset.

Be Cautious of High-Pressure Sales Tactics

One common tactic used by fraudsters is high-pressure sales tactics. They may try to lure you into making a quick decision by offering you unrealistic returns on your investment or pressuring you into buying something that seems too good to be true. Lynette Zang advises people to be cautious of such tactics and not fall prey to them.

If someone is pressuring you into making a quick decision without giving you enough time to think about it or do your research, then it's probably a scam. Always take your time before making any investment decisions and don't let anyone rush you into anything.

Do Thorough Research Before Investing

Another important aspect that Lynette Zang stresses on is doing thorough research before investing in any opportunity or asset. This includes researching the company or individual offering the investment opportunity, checking their credentials, reading reviews from other investors, and analyzing the market trends.

Fraudsters often make false claims about their investments' potential returns or hide important information that could reveal their scamming intentions. Therefore, it's crucial to do your due diligence before investing any amount of money.

Seek Advice from Trusted Experts

Lynette Zang also recommends seeking advice from trusted experts before making any major financial decisions. This could include consulting with a financial advisor who has experience in dealing with similar investments or seeking guidance from reputable investment firms.

Trusted experts can provide valuable insights into the investment opportunity and help you make an informed decision. They can also identify any red flags that you may have missed during your research and warn you against investing in a scam.

Investing in Alternative Assets Beyond Traditional Stocks and Bonds: Opportunities to Explore with Lynette Zang's Advice

Diversification Benefits of Alternative Assets

Most people think of stocks and bonds as the primary investment options. However, there are alternative assets that can provide diversification benefits beyond traditional investments. Real estate, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies are examples of such assets that have been gaining popularity among investors.

Lynette Zang is one expert who encourages investors to consider these alternative options as part of a well-rounded portfolio. According to her, investing in alternative assets can provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility.

Understanding the Risks Associated with Each Asset Class

Before investing in any asset class, it is essential to understand the risks associated with it. Lynette Zang emphasizes this point and advises investors to do their due diligence before making any investment decisions.

For example, when considering real estate investments, an investor should be aware of the local housing market's trends. They should also consider factors such as location, rental income potential, property taxes, maintenance costs, and financing options.

Similarly, when investing in precious metals like gold or silver, an investor should know how these assets perform during economic downturns or inflationary periods. They should also be aware of storage costs and liquidity issues associated with precious metals.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have gained popularity over the years due to their decentralized nature and potential for high returns. However, they are highly volatile and come with significant risks such as hacking incidents or regulatory changes.

Opportunities for Investors

Despite the risks associated with each asset class mentioned above, there are opportunities for investors who are willing to do their research thoroughly. Here are some examples:

Real Estate

  • Rental properties: Owning a rental property can generate monthly cash flow from rent payments.

  • Fix-and-flip properties: This involves buying distressed properties at a lower price point, renovating them, and then selling them at a higher price.

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): A REIT is a company that owns or finances income-generating real estate properties.

Precious Metals

  • Physical bullion: Investors can purchase gold or silver bars or coins for long-term storage.

  • Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): ETFs are funds that track the price of precious metals such as gold or silver.

  • Mining stocks: Investing in mining companies that extract precious metals can provide exposure to the commodity's price movements.


  • Bitcoin: The most well-known cryptocurrency that has experienced significant growth over the years.

  • Ethereum: Another popular cryptocurrency with potential use cases beyond financial transactions, such as smart contracts and decentralized applications.

  • Stablecoins: These are cryptocurrencies pegged to fiat currencies like the US dollar to minimize volatility.

Why Lynette Zang is a valuable resource for investors

Lynette Zang is an invaluable resource for investors who want to protect their assets and navigate the uncertainties of the financial system. Her insights into the dangers of staying in the current financial system, understanding the end of the “cash con game,” protecting your assets in uncertain times, and identifying and avoiding financial scams and frauds are crucial for anyone looking to secure their financial future.

Zang's advice on investing in alternative assets beyond traditional stocks and bonds is also essential for diversifying portfolios. She stresses the importance of including gold and silver as part of a diversified portfolio, explaining why they matter and how they can help protect against market volatility.

If you want to safeguard your investments, heed Lynette Zang's advice. With her help, you can learn how to identify potential risks, avoid scams, and invest wisely in alternative assets that will provide long-term security.


What makes Lynette Zang's insights unique?

Lynette Zang has over 30 years of experience in the financial industry, working with some of the world's top banks. Her expertise gives her a unique perspective on market trends and risks that other analysts may miss.

How can I get started with investing in alternative assets?

Zang recommends starting by doing research on different types of assets beyond traditional stocks and bonds. This could include precious metals like gold or silver, real estate investments, or even cryptocurrency. It's important to understand each asset class before making any investment decisions.

Why does Lynette Zang stress the importance of getting out of the current financial system?

Zang believes that staying within the current financial system puts investors at risk due to its instability. By “getting out” through alternative investments like precious metals or real estate, investors can protect themselves against potential market crashes or economic downturns.

How does Lynette Zang help investors avoid scams and frauds?

Zang provides education on common financial scams and frauds, including how to identify them and avoid falling victim. She also emphasizes the importance of due diligence when considering any investment opportunity.

What role do gold and silver play in a diversified portfolio?

Gold and silver are considered “safe haven” assets that can help protect against market volatility. They have historically held their value during times of economic uncertainty, making them an important component of a diversified portfolio.

How can I protect my assets in uncertain times?

Zang recommends diversifying your investments across different asset classes, including alternative assets like precious metals or real estate. It's also important to stay informed about market trends and potential risks, so you can adjust your investments accordingly.

Is Lynette Zang's advice suitable for beginners?

Yes, Zang's insights are valuable for investors at all experience levels. Whether you're new to investing or have years of experience, her advice on protecting your assets and navigating the financial system is essential for long-term success.

Some Highlights From The Video Above:

  • Credit Card: Is this a debt-based monetary system provided as a step to create inflation?
  • Lynette shares the importance of being self-sufficient and putting up a garden full of food and medicinal plants on a property she bought.
  • The irony about reducing the wealth gap by giving people credit cards with higher interest rates and by not supporting unions.
  • Financial peace: A must. Otherwise, you will have to dance through their tune.
  • Why does Person X need a different strategy with their precious metals then Person Y?

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